Can projects be proposed with no developer, gain supporters and attract one or more developers?
Yes they can be proposed and I’ll probably use or Moodlenews to solicit interested developers (or teams).
What happens if there is a dispute between a supporter and the developer over the nature of the solution as against advertised?
Trust is key in a community. Disputes or discrepancies between what is delivered and what is described in campaign documents will be arbitrated offline and civilly. It’s safe to say that developers who deliver sub-par products will not be invited back to submit projects.
Who signs off the project as being complete?
Once the project has been delivered to backers it is complete (code that does not function or includes bugs is not complete). 3rd party validation would be the acceptance of the code to’s addon database.
Is there an allowable margin of error for delivery overruns?
Overruns in time happen. Overruns in funds should not. It is the responsibility of the developer to adequately estimate the time that it will take to develop a project. We can’t go back and charge users more so estimating project costs (a task for developers) will be key to this process working. Developers will accept their own terms, including that they are promising delivery based on the listed funding goal.
Do developers get any funding up front?
Nope, depending on our agreement with developers some funds may be released once a project is 100% funded however the majority of funding would be released to a developer once the code has been delivered to all backers.
What happens if Joseph is no longer able to run the site?
Welp, that would be a terrible day indeed (for me). If ever I plan to close the site or need to step away, any current projects will either be cancelled or sunset automatically based on their posted funding dates to give me a clean exit. Any undeliverable projects would be refunded.
Will the code be released GPL?
Unless otherwise stipulated in project terms all projects will be GPL as Moodle is. It is possible that a non-Moodle project (which integrates to Moodle as a LTI provider tool for example) may be funded and not contributed as GPL.
What percentage is used per project to fund
Zero. Zilch. Nada. Joseph Thibault supports this site independently. All funds raised in a campaign will go to the developer, or back to the funders (in the occasion that a goal wasn’t met or the project was cancelled) as a refund.
Is code always developed for the latest stable version of Moodle?
Check the project terms, this will be listed. Generally, any versions that are supported will be supported for the latest stable release.
If during development it is realized that a core change is required to facilitate the easy implementation then is there a way to state / allow this as would cause a delay?
My goal is to identify any core code blockers prior to launching a campaign. If a project becomes unfeasible once it has been funded all funds will be refunded and we will revisit the campaign project to revise it.
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